Kryptonit fundet i Serbien

Kryptonit… nu mangler vi bare at finde Superman! :dance:

BBC rapporterer:

Researchers from mining group Rio Tinto discovered the unusual mineral and enlisted the help of Dr Stanley when they could not match it with anything known previously to science.

Once the London expert had unravelled the mineral’s chemical make-up, he was shocked to discover this formula was already referenced in literature – albeit fictional literature.

“Towards the end of my research I searched the web using the mineral’s chemical formula – sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide – and was amazed to discover that same scientific name, written on a case of rock containing kryptonite stolen by Lex Luther from a museum in the film Superman Returns.

“The new mineral does not contain fluorine (which it does in the film) and is white rather than green but, in all other respects, the chemistry matches that for the rock containing kryptonite.”

Desværre er der ikke de store chancer for at mineralet kommer til at hedde kryptonit:

The mineral cannot be called kryptonite under international nomenclature rules because it has nothing to do with krypton – a real element in the Periodic Table that takes the form of a gas.

:doom: Forskere!!!

Udgivet af

Ulf Reese Næsborg

Ulf Reese Næsborg er født i 1971, og har læst tegneserier siden da, hvilket vil sige at han har læst stort set samtlige albumudgivelser i Danmark indtil starten af 90'erne, hvor han begyndte at læse overvejende udenlandske tegneserier. Læser mest amerikanske tegneserier, både fra 'de to store' og fra Indie-udgivere. Yndlingsforfatterne er Grant Morrison, skarpt efterfulgt af Alan Moore, men han har også et blødt punkt for Brian Michael Bendis, J. Michael Straczynski og Brian K. Vaughan. Han er manden bag tegneseriesiden og som sådan den man skal kontakte hvis man har generelle spørgsmål eller kommentarer til siden.

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