Ny tegneserie fra Jhonen Vazquez

Jhonen Vazquezs JellyfistThe Beat rapporterer at Jhonen Vazquez – der nok er bedst kendt som manden bag Johnny the Homicidal Maniac – vender tilbage til tegneseriemediet efter lang tids pause. Den nye tegneserie kommer til at hedde Jellyfist og bliver udgivet af Slave Labor Graphics (SLG) Publishing. Serien er skrevet af Vazquez og bliver tegnet af det forholdsvist ubeskrevne blad J. R. Goldberg.

SLG announced the impending July 2007 release of Jellyfist, a new work of collaborative nonsense by Jhonen Vasquez (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) and J.R. Goldberg, a comic that is quite possibly like nothing that heretofore has been seen in the universe. Produced in a climate of tension, aggression, meandering conversations and ego-clashing arguments, Jellyfist is the work of two artists who battle with interpretation and pull down the curtain between audience and creators, revealing artistic collaboration in all its alarming nudity.

Jellyfist is a 48-page, full-color book of strange, disconnected stories written by Vasquez and drawn by Goldberg, a newcomer to comics. Begun as a simple, spontaneous collaboration when Vasquez wrote “a tiny, incredibly vague surreal script” and gave it to Goldberg to draw, Jellyfist soon grew into a side-show-freak embodiment of the issues that arise when one artist tries to draw what another has envisioned. After the initial story, Goldberg began to take more time and care to draw the scripts Vasquez gave to her. “So I started getting a lot more bossy in my writing direction,” Vasquez said, “and then the battles begin.”

Det lyder da spændende, og det er helt sikkert en titel, som jeg skal se nærmere på.

Udgivet af

Ulf Reese Næsborg

Ulf Reese Næsborg er født i 1971, og har læst tegneserier siden da, hvilket vil sige at han har læst stort set samtlige albumudgivelser i Danmark indtil starten af 90'erne, hvor han begyndte at læse overvejende udenlandske tegneserier. Læser mest amerikanske tegneserier, både fra 'de to store' og fra Indie-udgivere. Yndlingsforfatterne er Grant Morrison, skarpt efterfulgt af Alan Moore, men han har også et blødt punkt for Brian Michael Bendis, J. Michael Straczynski og Brian K. Vaughan. Han er manden bag tegneseriesiden og som sådan den man skal kontakte hvis man har generelle spørgsmål eller kommentarer til siden.