Frank Miller om filmen The Spirit

Nu har Frank Miller udtalt sig omkring sin kommende filmatisering af Will Eisners The Spirit:

Comics demigod Frank Miller (Sin City, 300), currently recouperating from serious hip and leg injuries, won’t appear at Con as scheduled on Saturday to plug his upcoming project, The Spirit, which he’s writing and directing. However, the show will go on without him, and Miller (pictured) gave EW’s Steve Daly a little taste of what to expect. Take it away, Frank:
“I’ve written a first draft of the screenplay. I’m working on the second draft, and it’s shaping up really good. It’s taken a while to get over the initial jitters, but it always does.The main focus I have is to write and direct a Spirit that captures a lot of the flavor of [creator Will] Eisner… but that doesn’t feel like nostalgia at all. Spirit fans often develop a rather cloudy memory of it, and think of it as this happy-go-lucky strip.

“The character has a terrifying side to him. This is a man who’s died and come back to life. So it twists into fantasy. And of course there are tons of women in it. There have to be — it’s The Spirit. They’re all in love with him, and he’s in love with all of them. You might say he’s a bit of a slut.”

Huzzah! As for the character of The Spirit’s sidekick Ebony White — now considered an embarassing stereotype? “Ebony’s gone. Ebony was simply a bad idea. Will Eisner was a genius, but even geniuses have their bad days.”

Jeg har stadigvæk forbehold overfor The Spirit i hænderne på Miller, men er dog klar til at give filmen en chance – den kunne jo gå hen og blive godt!

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Ulf Reese Næsborg

Ulf Reese Næsborg er født i 1971, og har læst tegneserier siden da, hvilket vil sige at han har læst stort set samtlige albumudgivelser i Danmark indtil starten af 90'erne, hvor han begyndte at læse overvejende udenlandske tegneserier. Læser mest amerikanske tegneserier, både fra 'de to store' og fra Indie-udgivere. Yndlingsforfatterne er Grant Morrison, skarpt efterfulgt af Alan Moore, men han har også et blødt punkt for Brian Michael Bendis, J. Michael Straczynski og Brian K. Vaughan. Han er manden bag tegneseriesiden og som sådan den man skal kontakte hvis man har generelle spørgsmål eller kommentarer til siden.